Friday, December 21, 2007

A Quick Update

Ethan and I have been busy knitting these past few weeks. I have a few finished things to share. The monkey socks are done!

They were really a fun pair of socks to knit. The pattern has made me want to experiment more with knitting lace.
Adah was in need of new slippers. I found this really cute pattern and had to make her a pair.

We have been getting a lot of snow here. So I have been baking. Adah has been interested in "helping" me bake.

Chloe is starting to scoot around, it has been fun to watch her explore.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

What Happened To November?

November has flown by. I am having a hard time believing it is December and Christmas is just a few short weeks away. I have noticed that since Chloe was born my life has been in extreme fast foward mode. So here is a little recap of the past month...Adah was a ladybug for Halloween. We went to my sisters house to trick-or-treat. Adah had a great time and wanted to eat all her candy when we got home.

I have done some knitting. I made a berry hat for Chloe.

I have been spending a ton of time on Ravelry . Ravelry is a website that you can organize all your completed knitting projects, works in progress (wip) and things you want to knit. Plus it allows you to keep track of all your yarn, needles, patterns and books. It is also super cool because you can meet other local knitters and see how others have knit a project that you have completed or want to do. It truly is an amazing thing.
We were able to spend Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania with Ethan's family. We had a really fun time. So much fun we didn't take any pictures!! Ethan's brother Hiram just released a Christmas album, Word>>>Flesh. Everyone needs to check it out it's really worth it! Here is an article written about him and the album. The album is avalible on itunes, just search Word>>>Flesh.
Ethan has been on a plant kick. I don't really mind; I think it makes the place look really nice especially since winter has kicked in. He recently made hanging window shelves for the plants.

It has been so nice to look at them with the mid afernoon sun coming through the windows.
We have joined the local YMCA. I have been really enjoying it. They offer a wide variety of classes. I have been taking spinning and yoga classes. Adah took a swim class and loved it. She practices blowing bubbles, kicking and "reaching and pulling" in the bath tub.
The girls keep us entertained on a regular basis. Adah was showing us how she "knits".

Adah loves being a big sister and Chloe watches Adah's every move. Having them has been an amazing learning experience, it is challenging at times but it is totally worth it.