Wednesday, July 4, 2007

July 2007 family update

What follows is our latest family update, sent out today, the 4th of July (God bless america)

I suppose it's something to start with.

Hello Everyone!

Things have been happening quickly with us, and since we are coming up on some more transition, we wanted to mark it by getting in touch with you!

Our last big thing was Chloe's birth, and it continues to be a significant adjustment, as we get to know her, and as Adah learns to be a big sister. Chloe has been sleeping very well for us, which has been great, since we appreciate every bit of rest we can get our droopy eyelids on.

Adah is heading for age two with a vengeance, determined to make the most of every opportunity she comes across, which usually translates into climbing expeditions up all available objects, and a wildly messy living room by the end of the day. Thank the Lord for active children! She's just started saying "no" which is pretty funny, because she says it at the oddest times. Usually she has been saying uh-uh to refuse things, but she seems to really relish the word no, saying it sort of randomly, pronouncing it loudly and with a gleeful smile. She really cracks herself up.

Chloe has started getting interested in us, smiling and wrinkling her nose, and trying to eat our faces. I guess since eating is pretty much all she knows how to do, that's her only non-crying option in terms of a response to us. It's pretty cute.

In mid-June, Ethan started working for the Center for International Studies, a third-party study abroad provider based in Northampton MA. As Program Coordinator, he works with students and overseas Unis from the time the students apply, through the time they return to the US. To learn more about CIS and what Ethan does, check us out here
While the 9-5 desk-job nature of the work is taking some adjustment, he's been enjoying the new challenge, and is learning a lot. Ethan has been commuting about an hour each way, which has been a big drag, but will end on the last weekend in July, because we are moving to that that area!

We have found a nice little townhouse in a family-friendly area of Easthampton, which is about 4 miles from work. We will move there in stages, starting in Mid-July, and ending with one big move on the last weekend of the month.

Amy has been staying at home with the girls, and has been doing a great job. She has been doing bookkeeping part-time for her former boss at the Slow Fire Cafe, though that will end when we move. She's also been knitting a waffle-stitch sweater in a beautiful aquamarine colored wool/silk blend yarn. She has completed the body and is now starting on the arms. To see what the sweater will look like, go here
(it's actually the same color as the one shown.)

We have also been taking some pictures of us and the girls, and putting them up on, so if you'd like to check them out, click here

In case you don't want to go there, I've attached our most recent family photo for your enjoyment. It was taken in front of Amy's father's house about three weeks ago, which means that Chloe looks completely different now.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, as we go through all of this transition. While it has been exciting and wonderful, we are finding that it really has been draining. Please pray that we would find time for ourselves and each other, and that we would be drawn closer together even as we get pulled in so many directions.

Feel free to drop us a line, or if you're in town, stop by!

Lots of love to you all, and blessings.

Ethan, Amy, Adah and Chloe.